Dealing with Eczema
If you don't have eczema, you might not know what it’s like to be kept up all night by itchy skin, or how it feels to barely be able to move your arms because each motion might open a new crack that oozes blood. Eczema is [...]
If you don't have eczema, you might not know what it’s like to be kept up all night by itchy skin, or how it feels to barely be able to move your arms because each motion might open a new crack that oozes blood. Eczema is [...]
We all want to have healthy, glowing skin, right? That’s why we spend all that time researching ingredients, looking up hottest new products on the market and building elaborate skin care routines. And yet… Sometimes our skin acts up in ways we can’t seem to control. [...]
Travelling can often be stressful – between tedious packing, getting to the airport on time and the gnawing worry that your luggage might get lost somewhere along the way, there’s not much room left for enthusiasm. What’s more, spending more than a couple of hours in [...]
The weather has changed recently, and for some that can mean dry skin is a big issue. Regardless of the weather, the season, etc. dry skin can be frustrating to get instant relief of. If you’re currently dealing with dry skin, or you have in the [...]
Skin care is such a fascinating industry, isn’t it? The past few years we’ve seen major improvement and acceleration in different products, techniques and treatments becoming available to us. Because of the advancements that have been made in technology and research experts in the skin care [...]
Guys, it’s not just the women that need to be focused on anti-aging skin care. While the skin care industry has predominantly focused on catering to women we’re thrilled to see that men are beginning to take skincare more seriously. After all, you guys have skin [...]
Ancient Roman times were a real turning point in history. With so much significance happening at that time that moved human beings and the world in a different direction. Of course we know about the big historical factors that were prominent during that time, we often [...]
You may have heard a fancy word rolling around in skin care products recently: resveratrol. It sounds complicated, but it’s gained a lot of momentum within the skincare industry because of the incredible benefits that users have experience when using it. But does resveratrol really benefit [...]
After testing all of the products from the Celestolite Cosmic Firming Collection, I found my hands down favorite to be the Cosmic Firming Cream. This rich and creamy product made my skin feel and look like flawless silk after just one use. I have seen fine [...]
The last thing you probably think of when flavorful cayenne pepper is mentioned is beauty, but it turns out this spicy pepper can do some amazing things for your beauty routine. So if you’re looking for something fun to spice up your routine, try out some [...]